Our staff
Here is our Senior Leadership Team and points of contact for each subject
If the subject teacher you are looking for is not on this list, please contact the Head of Subject, who will then pass on your contact details.
If you want to contact a form tutor, please contact the Head of Year in the first instance.
Senior Leadership Team |
Name |
Headteacher |
Zehra Jaffer |
Zeh.Jaf@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Deputy Headteacher |
Lucy Bryant |
Luc.Bry@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Deputy Headteacher |
Mark Bynoe |
Mar.Byn@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Assistant Headteacher |
Seb Ventura |
Seb.Ven@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Assistant Headteacher, Head of Inclusion/SENDCO |
Alex Bell |
Ale.Bel@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Assistant Headteacher, Director of SNS Hub |
Aaron Critoph |
Aar.Cri@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Head of Lower School |
Francis Enebeli |
Fra.Ene@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Head of Upper School |
Melanie O'Malley |
Mel.Om@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Director of Sixth Form |
Shane Bell-Nevin |
Sha.Bel@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Director of Creativity |
Amar Bailey |
Ama.Bai@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Head of Resources and Services |
Linda Perkola |
Lin.Per@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Wider Leadership Team |
Deputy Head of Lower School |
Ruth Vincent |
Rut.Vin@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Deputy Head of Upper School |
Moji Awojobi |
Moj.Awo@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Deputy Director of Sixth Form |
Leefiya Begum |
Lee.Beg@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Head of English |
Richard Wasserfall |
Ric.Was@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Head of Maths |
George Dix |
Geo.Dix@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Head of Science |
Hannah Twomey |
Han.Two@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Student Leadership Lead |
Francis Enebeli |
Fra.Ene@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Literacy Lead |
Ruth Vincent |
Rut.Vin@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Sixth Form |
Director of Sixth Form |
Shane Bell-Nevin |
Sha.Bel@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Deputy Director of Sixth Form |
Leefiya Begum |
Lee.Beg@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Progress Tutor |
Kulsuma Akhtar |
Kul.Akh@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Progress Tutor |
Fiona Davies |
Fio.Dav@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Sixth Form Administrator |
Shekiera Martin |
She.Mar@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Heads of Year |
Head of Year 7 |
Ms Townsend | rac.tow@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Head of Year 8 |
Ian Burn |
Ian.Bur@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Co Head of Year 8 |
Anna Gluckstein |
Ann.Glu@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Head of Year 9 |
Kurt Lee | Kur.Lee@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Head of Year 10 |
Jenny Diprose | Jen.Dip@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Head of Year 11 |
Jack Lumb | Jac.Lum@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Head of Year 12 |
Richard Maiden |
Ric.Mai@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Heads of Year 13 |
Janek Whittaker | jan.whi@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Subject |
Name |
Art | Ms Mullins (HoD) | aud.mul@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Business Studies and Economics |
Mr Tozanoglu (HoD) | hus.toz@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Computer Science | Ms Ray-Chaudhuri (HoD) | tam.ray@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Media & Film | Mr Brown (HoD) | jim.bro@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Design and Technology | Ms Cheetham (HoD) | reb.che@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Drama | Mr Stewart (HoD) | lia.ste@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
English |
Mr Wasserfall (HoD) Ms Cory (KS3) Mr Virciglio (KS4) Ms Vassie (KS5) |
ric.was@sns.hackney.sch.uk afr.cor@sns.hackney.sch.uk mar.vir@sns.hackney.sch.uk jul.vas@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Food & Nutrition | Ms Townsend (HoD) | rac.tow@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
French | Ms Hemans (HoD) | kim.hem@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Geography | Mr Harvey (HoD) | Adr.Har@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Graphics | Mr MacRae (HoD) | ric.mac@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
History | Ms Preedy (HoD) | han.pre@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Maths |
Mr Dix (HoD) Ms Rahman (KS3) Mr Rayner (KS4) Mr Carvalho & Mr Anfossy (KS5) |
geo.dix@sns.hackney.sch.uk afr.rah@sns.hackney.sch.uk wil.ray@sns.hackney.sch.uk tia.car@sns.hackney.sch.uk dan.anf@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Music | Ms Foden (HoD) | amy.fod@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
PE and Sport | Ms Hamilton (HoD) | sim.ham@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Photography | Ms Atkinson (HoD) | gai.atk@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Politics | Mr R Maiden (HoD) | ric.mai@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Psychology | Mr L Begum (HoD) | lee.beg@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Religious Studies |
Ms Sonmez (HoD) - (Mat Leave) Ms Hippisley (HoD)
dam.son@sns.hackney.sch.uk ros.hip@sns.hackney.sch.uk
Resistant Materials | Mr Knighton (HoD) | chr.kni@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Science |
Ms Twomey (HoD)
Dr Cooper (KS3)
Ms Thompson (KS4)
Mr Darragh
(Head of Biology)
Mr Kitchen
(Head of Chemistry)
Mr Jegorovas-Armstrong
(Head of Physics)
han.two@sns.hackney.sch.ul jul.coo@sns.hackney.sch.uk che.tho@sns.hackney.sch.uk jos.dar@sns.hackney.sch.uk dav.kit@sns.hackney.sch.uk ern.jeg@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Spanish | Mr Mina (HoD) | ang.min@sns.hackney.sch.uk |
Textiles | Ms Cheetham (HoD) | reb.che@sns.hackney.sch.uk |