ParentPay is a cashless system used to pay for lunch, snacks, music lessons, clubs, trips and selected learning materials.
Click here to top up your child's lunch card, pay for a school trip.
For any refunds regarding dinner money, please email:
ParentPay Shop
Click here to buy learning resources (textbooks, art supplies etc.) or tickets to school events.
The school operates an entirely cashless system to remove the possibility of loss or theft of money from students. ParentPay is used to pay for lunch, snacks, music lessons, clubs, trips and selected learning materials.
Parents can credit their child’s account with a debit/credit card on-line via ParentPay or students can re-charge their ID cards via the ParentPay machines in school (with cash). It is vital that all students ensure they have enough money on their ID card BEFORE they choose food at break and lunch. Credit and lending of money is not possible.
Pupil premium students eligible for free school meals will automatically receive the daily allowance on their card; consequently it is vital that all free school meals application forms are submitted to the Hackney Learning Trust promptly.
Any queries regarding ParentPay please contact us:
You can download our guide for using ParentPay for information on how to use the system.