Home school agreement
In order to achieve our school aims, the school, home and students must all agree to work together.
At Stoke Newington School and Sixth Form, we are committed to developing a supportive ethos that promotes high expectations for our students. We recognise that this requires a strong partnership with all stakeholders, sharing responsibility for the development and achievement of our young people.
The School will:
- Expect high standards of behaviour and conduct from students, and have clear rules and guidelines underpinned by core values of Compassion, Ambition, Resilience, and Excellence (CARE).
- Provide a learning environment that is engaging, safe, and supportive, where students feel cared for and valued.
- Ensure that every student has access to the opportunities, support, and guidance necessary to achieve their full potential.
- Regularly report on each student’s progress, recognising that open communication with parent/carers is essential for fostering success.
- Maintain the highest expectations of academic progress for each of our students, recognising that every child has the potential to succeed.
- Foster a collaborative positive relationship with parent/carers through school and community events and regular timely communication, strengthening a responsive approach to inquiries and concerns, recognising that a strong partnership between home and school are essential for success.
- Record, reward, and celebrate good progress and performance, recognising the importance of positive reinforcement.
- Offer a broad range of extra-curricular activities that develop creativity, broaden horizons, and prepare students for life beyond the classroom.
- Notify parent/carers through Class Charts if a student receives achievement points, behaviour incidents and detentions.
Parent/Carers will:
- Work in partnership and collaboration with the school to ensure students achieve their full potential.
- Agree and ensure young people follow the Behaviour and Relationships Policy.
- Ensure that students attend school on time every day wearing correct uniform and fully equipped for the day’s activities.
- Keep up to date with behaviour and homework by using the Class Charts system.
- Support young people with their homework and sign their planner each week.
- Attend Parents’ Evenings and meetings and discussions with staff when requested to ensure best student progress.
- Be aware of appropriate safe and healthy boundaries of young people, including use of online platforms.
- Ensure that time is not taken out of school unless it is urgent.
- Regularly review the enrichment calendar and Music Lessons offered by the school and encourage participation.
- Consent to off-site visits within a 2-mile radius, such as Sports Day and school trips to the local area.
- Ensure ParentPay account is always in credit and all required payments for trips, visits, lessons, and clubs are made on time.
Students will:
- Be an ambassador for Stoke Newington School, taking pride in representing the School community at all times.
- Always be respectful to staff, peers, and members of the community including visitors, those in the local community and online.
- Attend school every day on time in correct full uniform, with all necessary equipment for learning.
- Work diligently in class and at home to achieve their full potential by always giving best effort.
- Follow the Behaviour and Relationships Policy, ensuring to behave responsibly and respectfully, and attend detentions.
- Use Contact Book to organise homework, record achievements and as communication between the School and parent/carers.
- Regularly check ClassCharts to ensure homework is completed to the highest of standards and on time.
- Participate in extra-curricular activities and Music Lessons offered by the school.
- Respect and care for the environment, both inside and outside of the school premises.
- Understand and demonstrate correct safe usage of technology, including social media.