School admissions
Information on Year 6 to Year 7 transition, in-year admissions, and open events
In-Year Admissions
We are a popular school and have a waiting list for places in all years. Please note that admissions for our school are handled by Hackney Education. The school has no say in allocating places.
If you would like details of how to apply through Hackney Education, please click here to head to their secondary school admissions page.
We are hosting In-Year Admission Open Mornings for parents/carers of students in Years 7-11 only who are considering a move to our school. This event provides a great opportunity to explore our facilities, experience our school environment, and ask any questions you may have before making an application. The morning will be led by a member of our Senior Leadership Team and will include a short guided tour, followed by a Question and Answer session. The dates are:
- Tuesday 25th March 9.00am – 9.45am
- Thursday 24th April 9.00am – 9.45am
- Tuesday 13th May 9.00am – 9.45am
- Tuesday 10th June 9.00am – 9.45am
- Tuesday 1st July 9.00am – 9.45am
Attendance must be confirmed by us beforehand. To submit a request to attend one of the open mornings, please email confirming:
- your child’s date of birth, year group, and current school
- your contact number
Year 6 to Year 7 Transition
You can find more information on the transition process from your child’s current primary school, and a link to Hackney Education’s website here.
The dates for our open events for Year 7 2026 admissions are not yet confirmed. Please keep an eye on our website, Instagram (@stokenewingtonschool), and follow our Eventbrite to keep up to date.
In the meantime, enjoy a tour of our school from a group of Year 7s as they talk you through what it's like to be a Year 7 at Stoke Newington School.
You can find our FAQs here. If you have any further questions or queries, please feel free to contact us on
You can read our prospectus here.