Curriculum intent
Here at Stoke Newington School, our curriculum supports a culture rooted in high expectations for all, which cultivates a love of learning and ambition for success.
Our curriculum intent demonstrates our dedication to:
- Ensure that all students receive a high-quality education via an ambitious, well-designed and well-sequenced curriculum.
- Ensure that all elements of the statutory National Curriculum are delivered.
- Ensure that subject leaders are empowered to realise the scope of their role in curriculum development and make clear links between planning and delivering content, robust quality assurance and targeted professional development across their team.
- Develop outstanding pedagogy, including robust assessment and feedback, across all subjects at every Key Stage, led by highly-skilled practitioners within a culture of collective professional development and shared expertise.
- Address social justice and inequality, ensuring that each student, irrespective of ability and starting point, is enabled to realise their potential, with an additional focus on cultural capital.
- Create confident, literate and numerate individuals with high aspirations who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives and foster a love of learning.
- Ensure that students are prepared for key transition points through the offer of a range of academic and vocational courses linked to careers advice.
- Identify links between SEND, pastoral intervention and academic progress, ensuring that support and intervention is communicated, tracked and its impact is assessed.
- Provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities which supplement the curriculum.
- Provide a curriculum which reflects the culture, ethos and local context of the school.
- Reflect our priorities of wellbeing, good physical and mental health and a strong sense of belonging, including our core values of compassion, ambition, resilience and excellence (CARE).