Friday 13th September 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

Week 2 – Start of Academic Year 2024 - 2025

I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer break. It is great welcoming the students back into the school and a special mention to our Year 7 and Year 12 students, particularly those who are new to the school who have started with enthusiasm and determination. Starting with inductions and transitions back into learning, students have settled in well into teaching and excited to see what this term brings.

Being the first letter of this academic year, it is a bumper addition so please do take your time to read through.

Results 2024

I start by congratulating our students, parents/carers and teachers on the excellent outcomes at both GCSE, A Levels and BTECs.

74% of our Year 11 students received 9-4 in both English and Maths. They have worked incredibly hard and shown real strength and resilience during their studies. Whether they received top grades or made incredible progress, every student worked hard with their subject teachers and the grades reflect the strong relationships between staff and students.

It was very rewarding to see happy and smiling faces on results day and we are incredibly excited that so many of our students are staying on in our Sixth Form.

Our staff team have once again shown their commitment to students, giving their all to ensure that our young people attain well and are ready for the next stage in their life. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our parent/carers for your invaluable partnership.

This year, 74% of our students have been accepted into university or Art Foundation qualifications. They move on to read a range of subjects including Medicine, Psychology, Law, Biomedical Science, Film, Architecture and Aerospace Engineering. Students have secured places at a variety of universities, including, The University of Manchester, the University of Liverpool, Cardiff University, the University of Leeds and The University of Edinburgh.

We wish them all the best as they take these next steps into their future, and want to thank them for their invaluable contribution to the School.

Early Finish – Wednesday 2nd October at 2.10pm

On Wednesday 2nd October 2024 we will be holding our annual Open Evening for prospective Year 6 students and their parent/carers. To allow time for staff to prepare, students will be dismissed after lunch at 2.10pm. Work will be set on ClassCharts for Period 5 for students to complete.

The following day, Thursday 3rd October 2024 will be a normal start for all students.

Uniform Reminders

Lanyards and ID Cards

All students must ensure their lanyard and ID card are visible at all times, including students in Sixth Form.


Students should wear black leather shoes, not trainers or boots. Please check the website for examples of shoes acceptable to wear.


Students are not permitted to bring hoodies to school and if so, they will be confiscated.


Please note that tailored shorts are included on our uniform allowances, however PE shorts are only to be worn within PE lessons. When wearing shorts, students must wear school shoes.

You can find a link to our uniform requirements and suppliers using this link.

Lower Schools Clubs Fair – Thursday 19th September 2024

A reminder that the Clubs Fair for Year 7 & 8 students will take place after school on Thursday 19th September from 3.10pm – 4.10pm in the Sixth Form Common Room. This event provides an opportunity for students to see the wide range of clubs on offer at SNS, register their interest and ask questions directly to club leaders.

Upcoming Parent/Carer Forums – Various Dates as below – On Site in the Theatre

Year 11 – Monday 16th September 6.00pm – 7.00pm

As we enter the crucial year of Year 11, topics discussed will include revision, core subjects, pastoral updates and applications for post-Year 11 studies.

Year 9 – Tuesday 17th September 6.00pm – 7.00pm

With Year 9 students entering the start of their GCSE courses, topics in the forum will include core subject overviews and an introduction to the personal development curriculum.

Year 12 – Wednesday 18th September 4.30pm – 5.15pm

The first in person forum for Year 12 parent/carers will be taking place next week. Topics discussed will include a welcome to Year 12 and SNS for our external students, key dates for calendars, IT systems and processes and how you can support your child this year.

Year 10 – Monday 23rd September 6.00pm – 7.00pm

The first forum for Year 10 parent/carers will be taking place on Monday 23rd September. Topics discussed will include Work Experience, Year 10 Core subject curriculum and Mock Exams, Duke of Edinburgh and key dates and contacts.

SNS Food Bank

We understand the challenges that many families are facing due to the ongoing cost of living crisis. As a school community, we are committed to supporting our students and their families during these difficult times. SNS has a food bank service that can provide packages of essential food and hygiene products for families who need support. If you need support, please email

SNS Musical 2024 – High School Musical!

Another year, another musical! We are delighted to announce that our whole school musical production this year is ‘High School Musical’, which will be heading to our Damien Lunn Theatre from Wednesday 11th – Friday 13th December.

Auditions begin next week after school, starting Monday 16th September – Wednesday 18th September. Please do encourage your child to come to auditions if they are interested in taking part. Further information about the musical and audition process can be found on our website, under the ‘High School Musical’ tab. Thanks and break a leg to all the students auditioning!

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Classes - Parents and Careers

We are resuming ESOL Level 1 classes this academic year, offered by Hackney Adult Learning to our parent/carer community. If you are interested in Level 1 course taking place in Stoke Newington School please contact Course Manager, Ms Thorp via

GCSE and A-Level in Community Languages

Following the fantastic GCSE and A-Level results in community languages, entries for students in Year 9 – Year 13 fluent in other languages are now open. Please email us for further information via

Language of the Month - Filipino

At SNS, we celebrate a language of the month. Throughout the month, there are events recognising the language, including special menu days, workshops and library showcases.

The language of September is Filipino. All suggestions to promote the language and customs and traditions, such as posters for display, from parent/carers and students are welcome. Please send to or your child can hand in to their Form Tutor.

Hackney Migrant Centre

Hackney Migrant Centre (HMC) is a community organisation working in the heart of Stoke Newington, dedicated to supporting vulnerable migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.

The group supply support and legal advice to those who would not otherwise be able to access it. They also supply advice on housing, health, well-being activities and a hot meal on Wednesdays. If you are interested in helping the centre, you can find further information using this link.

Key dates and Local Cultural Events

Please see a link to our school calendar here. You can also find our webpage which is regularly updated, promoting local cultural events using this link.

We started our new academic year with the theme of the week being ‘New Beginnings’. Students in 11K shared the following ‘Thought of the Day’ by Muhammed Ali.

"Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don't be afraid to take the first step."

Wishing all in our community a positive start to the academic year.

With best wishes,

Zehra Jaffer