Friday 24th May 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

What an amazing evening yesterday, celebrating the diverse SNS community. It was great to see so many of you enjoy the food, dancing and storytelling…and many more activities. The evening was topped off with our talented students’ extraordinary musical performances, engaging so confidently with the audience. These events do not happen without everyone coming together – staff, students, our families and friends. Thank you to everyone involved in making the evening such a success. Special shout out to Ms Reyes-Barrios and the Music Department!

This morning, over 80 Year 8 students departed to Norfolk Lakes for their residential trip. We wish them the best of fun, a time to bond with one another and explore.

Support During Examination Period

We recognise that exams can be a lot of pressure, often leading to students feeling overwhelmed. Exam stress is a normal part of the exam experience, affecting not just students but also their parents and carers who play a crucial role in providing support and understanding during this time. Please encourage a healthy work-study-life balance this half term - this is important. Tips for coping with exam stress can be found using this link. We also have lots of other resources and information which can be found our website using this link.

Sixth Form Half Term Revision Space

The Sixth Form Common Room will be open to Year 13 students during half-term from 10.00am until 2.00pm Tuesday 28th May – Friday 31st May. If your child wishes to use the sixth form to revise and prepare for their exams then please ask them to click here to book.

Uniform Reminders for Warmer Weather

A reminder that although students are permitted to wear shorts in the warmer months, they must be tailored fitted shorts. Students are not permitted to wear PE shorts, except in their PE lesson.

As temperatures increase, students are to bring in a non-metal water bottle to school. Students can re-fill water bottles from various locations around playgrounds and the Blue Bird Café and this must be done during breaktime and lunchtime only.

Jack Petchey Achievement Reward Winners

We are delighted to congratulate our six Year 11 students who have been awarded the Jack Petchey Achievement award for their excellent service to the SNS Community. Students in receipt of the award are; Zola, Jamila, Elsa, Raffaella, Henry and Ella. On behalf of the school, a very well deserved congratulations.

Parent/Carer Support for the History Department

The History department is currently planning a scheme of work on the Ottoman Empire. They would love to get parental guidance or suggestions from our Turkish, Kurdish and Turkish Cypriot parents and community, please email Ms Hannah Preedy, Head of History via if you would like to support.

Year 11 and Year 13 Prom Committee Volunteers

Thank you to all those who have volunteered so far. We are still looking for volunteers to help on the evening of Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th June and also the setting up and decoration. If you would like to volunteer for the committee, please email Ms Rachel Townsend or Ms Kulsuma Akhtar

Inspiring Futures Day – Wednesday 3rd July 2024 9.45am – 12.45pm

The Sixth Form Team are looking for participants for our Inspiring Futures Day, taking place on Wednesday 3rd July. The event is designed to give students insights into their careers by giving them the opportunity to speak with a range of professional people from a diversity of sectors.

If you think you or someone you know has an interest in helping young people in their career choices and could advise our students on how to access your industry/ area, or are interested in receiving further information, please contact Mr Richard Maiden,

The event will be in the format of a speed networking event, where participants will be talking to individuals or small groups. There will be no need to prepare anything. We are a diverse sixth form and our students have a broad range of aspirations and interests. If in doubt, please get in contact.

Uniform Donation Request

We are running low on spare skirts and trousers for students to access. If your child does have any outgrown items, please do send them into the main office.

Key dates, Cultural Events, Opportunities in the Community and Access to Support Services

Please see a link to our key dates here for this term on our school calendar that include Information Evenings, Forums, and Parents’ Evenings.

You can also find information on local cultural events here and opportunities in the community here.

Alongside this, you can find services available to support you and young person’s mental health and wellbeing using this link.

Thank you all for your support, input and participation. Parent partnership is a strength of our school which we most value and goes a long way towards our young people’s experience.

Wishing you a lovely Bank Holiday weekend.

With best wishes

Zehra Jaffer