Friday 12th July 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

Week 38 - Headteacher’s Letter

It was lovely seeing so many of you at the Summer Showcase, exhibiting our incredibly talented students’ work in the creative subjects. The high standard of work is outstanding and gives us a real sense of pride in their achievements, and that of the teachers, technicians and support staff who make this possible.

A huge congratulations to the students who participated in the Year 7 and 8 Girls Interform Football event. Thank you to all those who supported the competition and players, with a special congratulations to 7G and 8G who won the tournament.

I want to also extend our gratitude to all those who submitted ‘thank you’ messages for Appreciation Week last week. We were overwhelmed with over 250 messages received, thanking the staff body for their dedication and hard work.

Supporting SNS Hub

Last week we launched our awareness and fundraising campaign for SNS Hub, an exciting new SNS facility opening 2026. For more information, please visit the SNS Hub pages of the school website which can be found using this link. Thank you to all parents who have donated so far or that have put us in touch with contacts who may be able to help.

Your support, or simply sharing of our SNS Hub website links is greatly appreciated and will help us to deliver the best possible provision for students. We are particularly interested in building partnerships with local businesses and organisations that can offer financial support, equipment donations, or opportunities to work with our students.

Donations can be made directly via our gofundme. Alternatively, if you would like to contribute to a particular item listed in our donations wish list or discuss corporate sponsorship opportunities, please contact Mr Aaron Critoph- Assistant Headteacher, Director of SNS Hub via

Team Sports Kit Sponsorship

The PE department are looking to refresh the team kits which students wear to represent SNS when competing against other schools. To make this possible the teams are looking to secure sponsorship from a local business, charity or organisation who wish to promote themselves on the new kits. The sponsor will have their branding displayed as the team perform in fixtures around London and the South-East.

We are looking for sponsorship initially for boys and girls football kits, a basketball kit or a netball kit. If you know of any such company or organisation which would be interested in sponsoring the teams and funding the initial cost of the shirts, then please do get in touch with Ms Simone Hamilton via For any interested parties we can provide specific details of costs for each kit.

SNS Foodbank Update

Thank you for your generous donations to SNS Foodbank this year. Your donations mean that we are able to support many families within our immediate community. As the end of term approaches, if you are in need of support over the summer holidays then please email and a support package will be provided for you.

Sports Days and End of Year Trips – Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th July

As confirmed earlier today, Year 8 and Year 10 students will have their Sports Day on Wednesday 17th July and students in Year 7 and Year 9 will have Sports Day on Thursday 18th July. Each form has been allocated a country to represent from the Paris Olympics, please check letter for further information. Information regarding End of Year Trips, running alongside with Sports Days has been sent.

Non-Uniform Day and End of Term Arrangements – Friday 19th July 2024

Friday 19th July will be non-uniform day. Students are to bring £1 if participating which will be donated to the Pete Brennan Trust. This is a school charity in memory of a former staff member and goes towards funding enrichment activities to support students in need. A reminder that students are not permitted to wear cropped tops and clothing with expletives. Hats are not to be worn indoors and students must still bring their lanyard with ID Card.

Please see below finishing times for your child’s year group on the day:

Year Group

Finish Time

Year 7


Year 8


Year 9


Year 10


Year 12


Young Hackney Substance Misuse Parent Webinars

Young Hackney’s Substance Misuse Team hold regular webinars for parent/carers to attend, providing valuable insights and resources to tackle substance misuse among teenagers. Their expert speakers will cover a range of topics, including prevention strategies, early warning signs, and effective communication techniques. Their next forum on Tuesday 16th July will be focused on vapes. Register now to secure your spot using this link.

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Community Day – Wednesday 28th August

CAMHS will be holding an event in August providing a Q&A with a panel of CAMHS clinicians, meeting the team and information about other community organisations. There will also be food provided, face painting, massage and arts. Please see flyer attached.

Year 8 Students moving into Year 9 in September 2023

Current Year 8 students will be joining the Upper School (Year 9 – Year 11) from September and will require blue shirts/polo shirts for the new academic year.

Uniform and Equipment Donation Request

If your child has any outgrown uniform or equipment, please send items to the main office for donation.

Key dates, Cultural Events, Opportunities in the Community and Access to Support Services

Please see a link to our key dates here for this term on our school calendar that include Information Evenings, Forums, and Parents’ Evenings.

You can also find information on local cultural events here and opportunities in the community here.

Alongside this, you can find services available to support you and young person’s mental health and wellbeing using this link.

With best wishes,

Zehra Jaffer