Thursday 6th January 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you have all had a positive week so far, and you and your families are back into the routine of school.

Covid-19 Protocols

Regular Student Testing

Students should continue home testing twice a week, Wednesday, and Sunday mornings. If you require a test kit, these can be collected from Reception. If your child is presenting with Covid-19 symptoms, please do not send them into school and book a PCR test as soon as possible via this link:

Covid-19 Vaccination

We are awaiting to hear from our local public health team on when the second in-school vaccination session will take place. In the meantime, parent/carers can book the vaccination for their child, if aged 12 or over, through the NHS booking system.

John Scott Health Centre are putting on two vaccination sessions for 12-15 year olds over the next two Saturdays, Saturday 15th January and Saturday 22nd January between 11.00am – 4.30pm. John Scott Health Centre is located at 220 Green Lanes, N4 2NU.

Continuity of Learning for Students Self-Isolating

Teaching staff receive daily updates of students who are self-isolating. Teachers will set work on Microsoft Teams within 24 hours of notification, to allow time to set work given they will be teaching during the day. Therefore, on the first day of isolation, students are following their normal school timetable and use the links below to conduct enrichment activities of those subjects for the first day.

It is important for students to continue to read regularly, you can find our school reading list using this link

If you have any issues accessing work, please contact Ms Jo Byrne for Lower School, Ms Roxanne Lashley for Upper School and Mr Shane Bell-Nevin for Sixth Form.

The Road To FAME – Thursday 10 February 7.00pm – 9.30pm

After considering the current position with the pandemic, we have made the decision to postpone our FAME production until the Summer Term, Wednesday 6th July – Saturday 9th July. This is to ensure we keep our cast and audiences safe and can perform this fabulous show to the best of our ability.

We will also be hosting a special concert on Thursday 10th February, which will be an outdoor fundraising event where the cast leads and showband will perform their solo/duet numbers from the show to give you a taste of what we worked on last term and get you excited for the upcoming full production in July. Further information will be announced shortly.

Year 10 Work Experience Placements

Our Year 10 students will undertake their Work Experience placements from Monday 14th March – Friday 18th March 2022. We are looking for placements in a wide range of industries and careers that are suitable for young 14 – 15 year olds. Employers must have Employer Liability Insurance. If you or someone you know can offer a placement, which will help our young people find out more about potential careers and the world of work please complete this form here. For any further information, please contact Juliet Alexander, Careers Lead, via

Mobile Phone Reminder

As you are aware mobile phones are banned in the School. If a mobile phone is seen or heard it will be confiscated and returned to the parent/carer at the end of the day on the following Friday. If there is a social or medical need for your child to have a mobile phone on their journey to and from school, then parents/carers are asked to request this through the relevant Head of School. If permission is granted, then these phones must be left in Reception before school and collected after school.

Lunchtime Language Club

There are still some spaces remaining on the Lunchtime Language Club that takes place on Wednesday (Year 7, 9 and 11 students) and Thursday (Year 8 and 10 students). Students in Sixth Form are welcome to attend either day. The club uses the online resource of LINGUASCOPE at elementary, beginner and intermediate level. Stu-dents have the opportunity to study the following languages: Italian, Russian, Arabic, French, German, Maori, Mandarin Chinese, Welsh, Spanish, Gaelic, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese and Jersey French.

If your child would like to attend, please email your son/daughter’s name and tutor group to:

WildHearts Webinar - Helping Children & Teenagers Manage Emotions – Thursday 20 January 7.00pm

WildHearts is hosting a webinar on Thursday 20th January at 7.00pm exploring how parent/carers can help their children manage difficult emotions, build emotional resilience and emotional intelligence. You can register your interest here.

Jubilee Bank Holiday – School Closure– Friday 29 April 2022

In light of the Queen’s Jubilee Bank holiday, we will be closed on Friday 29 April 2022 as a day in lieu of the bank holiday within the half term.

Year Group Forums

Please see below the upcoming Year Group Forums for this term

Year Group

Time and Date

Joining Link to Meeting

Year 7

Thursday 10th March 5.30pm – 6.00pm

Click here to join the meeting

Year 8

Wednesday 16th March 5.30pm – 6.00pm

Click here to join the meeting

Year 9

Tuesday 22nd March 5.00pm – 5.30pm

Click here to join the meeting

Year 10

To be confirmed

Year 11

Tuesday 1st February 6.00pm – 7.00pm

Click here to join the meeting

Mixed Heritage Week – Monday 17 January

Next week, we launch our first Mixed Heritage Week, with an assembly and tutor activities to celebrate our diverse community. This theme was deferred from last term due to absence and will remain as a standing item in our School calendar for future academic years, with the hope to increase the awareness and understanding together with celebrating the contribution of those from mixed heritage.

Wishing you all a restful weekend, with best wishes

Zehra Jaffer