Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you to parents/carers who attended our Remote Learning Forum led by Mr Bynoe this afternoon. We have two further sessions, please see links is below.

  • A link for the all-year group parent/carer session for Tuesday 5 January at 2.00pm is here
  • A link for the all-year group parent/carer session for Wednesday 6 January at 2.00pm is here

I am conscious as we move to SNS Home Learning there will be the need for regular updates, so I plan to send you a daily communication to support this transition. I am conscious not to overload you with too much information all at once.

Please remember we are following the normal school timetable as below:

Lower School 7-8

Upper School 9-11 and Sixth Form





8.35 – 8.55

Registration/Tutor time

8.55 – 9.55

Arrival at 8.55 - Period 1

8.55 – 9.55

Period 1

9.55 – 10.55

Period 2

9.55 – 10.55

Period 2

(Break time 10.15 – 10.35)

10.55 – 11.15


11.15 – 12.15

Period 3

11.15 – 12.15

Period 3

12.15 – 1.05


12.15 – 1.05

Period 4

1.05 – 2.05

Period 4

1.05 – 2.05


2.05 – 3.05

Period 5 (Year 7 dismissed at 2.55pm | Year 8 at 3.05pm)

2.05 – 3.05

Period 5

3.10 – 4.10

Period 6 for sixth form

Year 10 and 11 registration/tutor time (Y10-11 dismissed at 3.25)

Student Expectations

With tomorrow being the first day of online learning, the morning tutor time will focus on supporting students to be ready for the day and importantly setting student expectations.

The student expectations as well as home learning tips can be found here. I kindly ask parents/carers to go through these with your child so they are ready to give their best.

We will continue to use Classcharts to celebrate our young people, in particular where they have embodied our school values of CARE(Compassion, Ambition, Resilience and Excellence). Likewise, where behaviour has fallen short of our high standards, we will log these on Classcharts too. Therefore you are aware and working together with us, we can support our young people to address their behaviour and make better academic progress.

Lateral Flow Test Consent

A reminder to please complete your consent form for Lateral Flow Testing. Whilst this is not mandatory, we encourage as many students as possible to take the test as this will support the bid to reduce transmission of the virus, particularly from asymptomatic cases. You will find a link to the consent form here.

Lastly, after the government announcement this evening we will update you as soon as possible on implications for our community.

I wish you all well. Stay safe.

Zehra Jaffer