Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope this letter finds you well and that your weekend afforded some opportunity to rest and recharge. For those of you who are critical workers, playing crucial roles within our local and wider community, we thank you for everything that you are doing.

It is highly important we all play our part in reducing transmission of the virus, by minimising social contacts and following the “hands, face and space” rule.

SNS Home Learning

As we start the second week of Home Learning, a reminder that if you have any curriculum questions, you will find the named contact for each subject on our website. You can also find the contact list using this link

In the coming week, we will be seeking views on our Home Learning programme from all in the community, students, parents/carers and teachers, so we can ensure the provision continues to evolve.

Parent Forums

Thank you to parents in Year 9 and Year 10 parents who attended today’s forums. The purpose of these sessions is to share updates, advise and importantly for you to be able to feedback on provision. Please do come along it is a good way to be connected. The schedule is as below for Years 7-11, with Sixth Form to be confirmed shortly.

Year 7

Tuesday 11 - 11:30am

Click here to join the meeting

Year 8

Tuesday 10 - 10:30am

Click here to join the meeting

Year 9

Monday 1 - 1:30pm

Click here to join the meeting

Year 10

Monday 9:30 – 10am

Click here to join the meeting

Year 11

Tuesday 2 - 2:30pm

Click here to join the meeting

Year 12

Monday 9 - 9:30am

Click here to join the meeting

Year 13

Thursday 12:30 – 1pm

Click here to join the meeting

Mock Exams Year 11 and Year 13

For parents in Year and Year 13, your child’s Teams calendar will reflect the exam timetable for all the exams that were missed in the first sitting. If you think that their Teams calendar has exams missing, please email Mark Bynoe, or Shane Bell-Nevin as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact the school should you have any questions.

Sixth Form Open Evening

It was great to have such fantastic attendance at our Sixth Form Open Evening today. I hope you managed to glean an insight into our sixth form offer. Please note the deadline for applications to the Sixth Form is Monday 22 February 2021.

Finally, from this week, I will write to you twice a week, on Monday and Thursdays, as I am conscious of not overwhelming you with too many emails.

This weekend’s news about the number of cases will no doubt cause worry and difficult emotions. It is a most difficult time for all of us and it is important to remember that this time will for sure pass. The rollout of the vaccine brings much hope and looking further afield at parts of the globe which are returning to more familiar ways of life; we, too, can be positive that our time will come.

With best wishes,

Zehra Jaffer