Headteacher's update - SNS Home Learning
Summer exams, Parent forums, and enrichment
Dear Parent/Carer
I hope this letter finds you well. We send our best wishes to those within our community who are unwell for a speedy and full recovery.
Summer Exams Year 11 and Year 13
Thank you to parents and students who joined this afternoon’s mock exam information session. If you were unable to make this event, information shared will be communicated with the mock exam papers. You will receive the exams by post and by midday Monday 11th January 2021, your child’s Teams calendar will reflect the student’s exam timetable for all the exams that were missed in the first sitting. If you think that their Teams calendar has exams missing, please email Mark Bynoe, mar.byn@sns.hackney.sch.uk or Shane Bell-Nevin sha.bel@sns.hackney.sch.uk as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact the school should you have any questions.
Year 11 Parents Evening will now be on Wednesday 3 February from 4-6.30pm to allow time for the marking of the second set of mock examinations. Please note the deadline for applications to the Sixth Form is Monday 22 February 2021.
Parent Forum Schedule
As mentioned yesterday, it is important parents and school can regularly come together during this period of school closure for most students. The aim of these sessions is to share updates, advise and importantly for you to be able to feedback on provision. The schedule is as below for Years 7-11, with Sixth Form to be confirmed shortly. The links are to follow.
Year 7 |
Tuesday 11-11:30am |
Year 8 |
Tuesday 10-10:30am |
Year 9 |
Monday 1-1:30pm |
Year 10 |
Monday 9:30 – 10am |
Year 11 |
Tuesday 2-2:30pm |
In this unique time, enrichment activities which young people can access from their homes using online technology is an excellent way for students to connect, learn a new skill, have fun, be creative and support their health and wellbeing. We are very keen to organise an enrichment calendar of weekly clubs and activities. We know we have an incredibly talented community. If you can volunteer some time per week to run an activity during the evening from 5.00pm to 7.00pm. Please email Mr Bailey (Assistant Headteacher) on Ama.bai@sns.hackney.sch.uk. Please note as per our safeguarding policies we would conduct DBS checks on all our volunteers working with our students.
Once again, thank you very much for all your ongoing support and messages of appreciation – it really means much to all staff.
Wishing you a lovely evening.
Zehra Jaffer