Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope this letter finds you well and that the week has been a good one despite the present circumstances. Today’s letter is a bumper edition, so apologies in advance for the length. There is much to update you on!

SNS Home Learning

It is fantastic to see so many of our students logging on promptly to lessons. It is essential students are on time, so please see timings below. We are making one change to the school day from Monday 18 January which affects Year 10 and Year 11 only. Tutor time Years 7 to 11 will all be at the same time of 8.35am, therefore the day starts earlier for Year 10 and Year 11.

The SNS School Day



Break and lunch

8.35 – 8.55am

Registration/Tutor time for Years 7-11


Period 1


Period 2

10.30 - 10.55 - Break time for Years 7-8

10.55 - 11.15 - Break time for Years 9, 10, 11 and Sixth Form


Period 3


Period 4 for Years 9-13

Lunch for Years 7-8


Period 4 for Years 7-8

Lunch for Years 9-13


Period 5


Period 6 (Sixth Form only)

End of school day for Years 7-11

The change to the tutor time is to help with communication and to ensure a prompt start to learning. It is during tutor period staff share with students whether any teacher is absent on that day. If a teacher is absent, there is work set through Teams and needs to be completed during the affected lesson. As you would expect at this time, unfortunately the virus has affected our staff as well, however we are determined students’ learning continues therefore work will be set by the department.

The start time for all lessons is as above, for example Period 1 starts at 8.55am and all students must be ready for learning at 8.55am. All lessons are a minimum of 50 minutes and a maximum of an hour. This is to allow for staff and students to have a break in between lessons, stretch their legs and prepare for the next lesson.

Student Feedback - We are conducting a student survey on SNS Home Learning and appreciate student feedback by Wednesday 20th January 2021. The link for the survey is emailed to all students – you can also find the link here.


In this unique time, enrichment activities which young people can access from their homes using online technology is an excellent way for students to connect, learn a new skill, have fun, be creative and support their health and wellbeing. I am very pleased to share with you our initial enrichment programme starting Monday 18th January 2021. We have a variety of clubs on offer including Drama, Art, Mindfulness and Fitness. Please use the link to sign up. Do encourage your son/daughter to sign up even if it is for one club a week.

Thank you to parents who have already volunteered to support the enrichment programme. If you can offer your skills to run an activity during the evening between 5.00pm to 7.00pm. Please email Mr Bailey (Assistant Headteacher) on

Year 11 and 13 Mocks

On Wednesday this week, the catch up mock timetable was set in motion. I thank students and parents for their patience with the dissemination of the papers and apologise for any inconvenience or angst caused. I managed to observe the exams in action through Teams, it was so brilliant to see our young people undertaking these exams with such maturity and focus. Well done everyone. Keep at it!

University Offers

Many of our Year 13 students have applied to university well before the deadline of 29th January with over a hundred students already receiving offers from a range of universities. It is testament of their hard work, resilience, and commitment that despite the uncertain times, they have made such positive steps to invest in their future. This week we received wonderful news that three of our students have secured offers at the University of Oxford to study: Chemistry, History and Medicine. Brilliant news!

Key Dates

Thank you to everyone who came to this week’s Year Group Parent Forums. A reminder of the schedule:

Year 7

Tuesday 11 - 11:30am

Click here to join the meeting

Year 8

Tuesday 10 - 10:30am

Click here to join the meeting

Year 9

Monday 1 - 1:30pm

Click here to join the meeting

Year 10

Monday 9:30 – 10am

Click here to join the meeting

Year 11

Tuesday 2 - 2:30pm

Click here to join the meeting

Year 12

Monday 9 - 9:30am

Click here to join the meeting

Year 13

Thursday 12:30 – 1pm

Click here to join the meeting

In addition, please note the following events:

Wednesday 20 January 7-8pm

Parent/Carer of BAME Students Forum

Monday 1 February 6-7pm

Parents’ Forum – Remote Learning Review

Wednesday 3 February 4-6:30pm

Year 11 Parent/Carers Evening

Wednesday 10 February 7-8pm

Parent/Carer of BAME Students Forum

Monday 15 – Friday 19 February

Half Term

Lateral Flow Tests

As the first secondary school to have implemented the Lateral Flow Testing procedures, we welcomed the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Hackney for a tour of our testing centre. During this week, we also conducted virtual tours to support local schools with the preparation for their mass testing. Thank you to our fantastic parents for helping us get this crucial part of our new way working in place. As a community we are totally committed to ensuring we do all that we can to keep everyone safe.

Presently, we test those staff and students on site twice a week. A reminder to complete the consent form in readiness for when school is fully open. You can find a link to the consent form here

Free School Vouchers

The vouchers were emailed last week to all eligible families. If you have not received your email, please contact

Lockdown Restrictions

Our Safer Schools Officer, PC James Ridout, will be running an information session on Friday 15 January at 3.00pm to explain the present Covid-19 restrictions for all Hackney students. You can find the link here. Please encourage your child to attend.

Wishing you a lovely weekend, when we get there. Sincere gratitude for all your support, encouragement and kindness – it is very much appreciated by all our staff.

All the best and stay safe,

Zehra Jaffer