Headteacher's update - SNS Home Learning
Year 11 Parents' Evening, Student Leadership Body, and Parent Forums
28th January 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
HT’s Communication Week 4
Yesterday the government confirmed that schools will not be returning in February with date of Monday 8 March announced as a potential reopening date. As always, once we are informed of any definite plans, we will share these with you and our students.
Thank you to Year 11 and Year 13 parents who attended the Ofqual Consultation Forum this week. If you were unable to attend you may access the recording by emailing admin@sns.hackney.sch.uk. A reminder the Ofqual consultation ends Friday 29 January at 11.45pm. You can find a link to the consultation here.
Year 11 Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 3 February 2021
We invite Year 11 parents/carers and students to meet with subject teachers on the above date. The timings are as follow:
- Welcome by Headteacher - 3.50pm
- Meeting Individual Subject Teachers - 4pm-6.30pm
Please note that Year 11 subject teachers will set online tasks for Wednesday Period 5 as opposed to live teaching, to allow for an adequate screen break before parents’ evening. Students are to log on to their Teams account as normal and access the set tasks in the assignments area.
Mock grades will be made available to parents and students on Tuesday 2 February.
Please note that the mock examinations undertaken in January have not been subject to department moderation and may be subject to some change to ensure fairness and consistency across the cohort.
SNS Home Learning
Exceedingly well done to all our students who have maintained superb attendance throughout this period of school closure. It goes without saying that regular daily attendance together with consistent application is essential for academic progress.
This week, the pastoral team are contacting families to discuss attendance figures where this has fallen short of our expectations. The conversations with parents are helping in identifying the most suitable intervention and where a lack of devices is identified, we will work to find a solution. We recognise there are other genuine reasons for a student’s absence, so please do keep the school informed on a daily basis.
We are reviewing our systems and processes to adapt to our online learning platform. Your feedback is always appreciated and helps us to continually improve.
Friday 12 February is scheduled to be a Digital Detox Day – there will be no ‘live’ lessons and class work will be set through Teams. We have encouraged class teachers to upload tasks which are non-screen based. During this day, teachers will moderate and standardise the work of examination year groups and plan lessons for the further period of SNS Home Learning.
Student Leadership Body
Our student leadership working groups are meeting in the next two weeks with their leading staff members. All students in the student leadership body should endeavour to attend all their sessions. Do not hesitate to contact Mr Enebeli should you have any questions. Please see below each working group, meeting date and associated staff member. We look forward to seeing the work of the Student Leadership Body in due course.
Leadership working groups: |
Staff |
Student Voice Yr7 |
Ms Sprakes |
Teaching and Learning (Maths) |
Dr Binns |
Sports & Enrichment |
Mr Medway |
Community Engagement |
Mr Enebeli |
Wellbeing |
Ms Gautama |
Behaviour for Learning |
Ms O’malley |
BAME Student Forum |
Ms Awojobi |
Diversity |
Mrs Gluckstein |
Environment |
Mr Hill |
Key Dates
Monday 1 February 6-7pm |
Parent/Carer forum – Remote Learning Review |
Wednesday 3 February 4-6.30pm |
Year 11 Parents’ Evening including Headteacher’s Welcome at 3:50pm. A link for this will be forwarded |
Monday 8 February 6-7pm
Parent/Carers of SEND Students Forum |
Wednesday 10 February 7-8pm |
Parent/Carers of BAME Students Forum |
Friday 12 February |
Digital Detox Day – no ‘live’ lessons |
Monday 15 – Friday 19 February |
Half Term |
Parent/Carer of BAME Students Forum
Dr Colin King OBE from the FA’s Hall of Fame of Football Coaches will be joining this session. A leading figure in Black and Asian Coaches Association, addressing issues related to diversity and inclusivity in football. If you wish to join the group, please email sop.pre@sns.hackney.sch.uk
This week we commemorated Holocaust Memorial Day across the globe with the theme – Be the light in the darkness.
In honour of the six million Jewish victims and other persecuted groups who tragically lost their lives, I end my letter with this quote from Gena Turgel MBE, a Holocaust Survivor:
"We will continue to do our bit for as long as we can, secure in the knowledge that others will continue to light a candle long after us."
Wishing you a safe, restful weekend.
Zehra Jaffer