Letter sent - Monday 1 February 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

HT’s Weekly Communication Week 5

Today we welcome in February, the last month of winter, and a wonderful reminder that spring is on its way!

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week, a timely opportunity for us to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. This year’s theme is Express Yourself.

Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good. Please take a look at the Place2Be website for parental advice here.

The lockdowns and restrictions due to the pandemic have meant that we all need to pay close attention to our mental health. For our young people, the loss of school routine, the feeling of confinement and boredom, missing the social interactions of friends and the worries associated with the virus will be just some of things impacting on their mental health.

There are many helpful resources available, I have listed a few below and if you come across any which you have found useful, please do share so we can add to our list of our website.

We recognise it is an exceedingly difficult time so if you are worried about your child, please do contact your child’s Head of Year.

Return to School

The government will announce after half-term plans for wider opening of schools. It is envisaged examination year groups will be the first students to return.

To support a safe return for school communities, secondary school students will be tested twice using the lateral flow tests. If you have not done so already please complete the consent form so we are best prepared, ready for when a return date is confirmed. Please return the consent even if you do not give permission for your son/daughter to undergo a test.


Thank you to those who have signed up to the SNS Remote Enrichment Programme. Joining in the enrichment activities is part of the Stoke Newington School ethos. Whatever your son/daughter’s interests, he/she will find the opportunity to develop their talents and confidence through the Remote Enrichment Programme.

We have updated our enrichment offer with the addition of new clubs and activities such as Poetry and Spoken Word, Virtual Music Ensemble and BAME Student Forum. In addition to these we have also introduced exciting and creative competition/challenges that do not require the use of a device. Please refer to our programmes of activities found on the SNS website for more information and the sign-up link here.

If you are having instrumental/vocal lessons make sure on the morning of the lesson to prepare a space and your instrument. You will need a device with a working microphone and camera. Make sure you are set up, waiting and ready to go five minutes before the lesson begins, ensuring you are getting the full lesson time. Please contact Mr Woodward at mic.woo@sns.hackney.sch.uk if you require any information or support.

Key dates

Thank you to parents/carers who attended this evening’s Remote Learning Parents’ Forum led by Mr Bynoe.

Here is a reminder of upcoming dates:

Wednesday 3 February 4-6:30pm

Year 11 Parents’ Evening including Headteacher’s Welcome at 3:50pm - A link for this will be forwarded

Monday 8 February 6-7pm

Parent/Carers of SEND Students Forum
Click here to join the meeting

Wednesday 10 February 7-8pm

Parent/Carers of BAME Students Forum

Friday 12 February

Digital Detox Day – no ‘live’ lessons

Monday 15 – Friday 19 February

Half Term

Parent/Carer of BAME Students Forum

Dr Colin King OBE from the FA’s Hall of Fame of Football Coaches will be joining this session. A leading figure in Black and Asian Coaches Association, addressing issues related to diversity and inclusivity in football. If you wish to join the group, please email sop.pre@sns.hackney.sch.uk

Wishing you a good week ahead. Stay safe.

Zehra Jaffer