Headteacher’s weekly update
Have a wonderful half-term break, key dates, and school reminders
Dear Parent/Carer
Yesterday, our Year 7 students gave a spontaneous cheer as the final whistle blew marking the beginning of the half-term holidays. I am proud of how our staff, students, parents/carers and wider community have risen to the challenges of this exceptional time. Year 11s are to be commended for how well they have conducted themselves in the first mock examinations of this academic term – they did themselves proud.
In this new era, the SNS approach is always safety first and a strong commitment to providing a broad and ambitious curriculum for our students. We have had three confirmed cases of the virus in school this half-term, two of which I have already communicated to you, and one in Year 12 this morning. All students identified as close contacts today have been informed. I am most grateful to you for keeping your son/daughter at home if they are symptomatic or if anyone in your household is symptomatic. Isolating students are being set work through MS Teams, should you require any support in this matter please contact Mr Bynoe, Deputy Headteacher.
The above steps together with a strong focus on good hand and respiratory hygiene, face masks and social distancing measures as well as minimising mixing across year groups supports our efforts to keeping everyone safe. I hope those of you who are presently unwell make a speedy recovery.
Key dates
- Wednesday 4 November | PTFA and Forum for BAME Students 7.00-8.00pm
- Wednesday 11 November | Year 13 Parents Evening 4.00-6.30pm
- Thursday 19 November | Parents Forum for Children with SEND 6.00-7.00pm
- Monday 23 November | Parents Forum 7.00-8.00pm - SNS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
- Wednesday 25 November | Year 7 Parents Evening 4.00-6.30pm
- Thursday 3 December | Year 12 Parents Forum 6.00-7.00pm
- Thursday 10 December | Student Christmas Lunch
- Friday 18 December | Last day of autumn term
School reminders
As the season becomes colder students must wear their school sweatshirt and be dressed appropriately for the changing weather. Hoodies are not permitted. As the evenings grow darker, it is important that all students travel in groups (not alone) on predetermined routes avoiding short cuts and keeping to main roads as much as possible. A reminder that all students act as ambassadors of the school and they are to be on their best behaviour at all times on the way to and from school including being considerate to other road users.
I do hope you all have a restful half-term. Thank you for all your continued support.
With kind regards
Zehra Jaffer