Headteacher’s weekly update
Covid 19 protocols, key dates, and happy Diwali!
Dear Parent/Carer,
This week we marked Remembrance Day by commemorating the service and courage of the Armed Forces community through assemblies and a whole school minutes silence yesterday morning. It is also a time to think of those who are still living through modern day conflicts across the world.
Thank you to our Year 13 parents who joined our first online parents’ evening. I hope you found the evening productive. We are very much interested in your feedback and will shortly be sending out a short parent survey to collate your views.
Covid-19 Safety Protocols
We continue to remind students of good hygiene, washing/sanitising hands regularly, “Catch it! Kill it! Bin it!” and social distancing. Face masks are compulsory during transition times, upon entering the building and whilst lining up, for example when purchasing food.
Following government guidelines, if anyone in your household becomes symptomatic then all members of the home must also self-isolate, this includes children even if they are not showing symptoms. The period of isolation must begin as soon as the symptoms start, do not wait for a positive test result before self-isolating. If you have any questions regarding this, please email admin@sns.hackney.sch.uk, this email address is checked daily including holidays and weekends.
All students are expected to go straight home after school. The days are becoming shorter and we are in a national lockdown, students must adhere to the national guidelines and not gather outside in the local community.
We all play a part in keeping every member of our community safe, in particular those most vulnerable, by adhering to the safety protocols.
The latest guidance for parents/carers from the Department for Education can be found here.
Key dates
Wednesday 18 November
- Parents’ Forum for Parents of BAME Children | 7pm - 8pm
Thursday 19 November
- Parents’ Forum for Children with SEND | 6pm - 7pm
Monday 23 November
- Parents’ Forum | 7.00-8.00pm | Focus – SNS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy You can book onto this forum by using the link: here
Wednesday 25 November
- Year 7 Parents’ Evening | 4pm - 6.30pm
Thursday 3 December
- Year 12 Parents’ Forum | 6.00-7.00pm
Thursday 10 December
- Student Christmas Lunch
Friday 18 December
- Last day of autumn term – timings to be confirmed
Parent Forum links and Year 7 Parents Evening Teams’ links will be emailed next week.
Happy Diwali!
To all in our community celebrating Diwali this weekend, from all at SNS we wish you a happy, safe and wonderful Diwali!
Thank you all for your continued support. Keep well.
Zehra Jaffer