Dear Parent/Carer

I hope this letter finds you and your family well, for those of you in the SNS community unwell or self-isolating, I wish you a speedy and full recovery back to good health. As we navigate our way through this chapter in our lives, it is important to remember how resilient we are as a community. We have shown many a time that with our positive, collaborative, and solution-focused approach we can and will overcome any hurdle or difficulty, becoming stronger and more united in the process.

I would like to thank all in the community: governors, teachers and support staff, parents/carers and most of all our students for all your efforts and support.

Covid–19 safety protocols

We are committed to keeping the School open and strongly believe this is in the best interest of our students. However, we are ever-mindful of those most vulnerable to serious illness due to Covid-19, so we must make sure we adhere to all the safety protocols.

We continue to remind students of good hygiene, washing/sanitising hands regularly, “Catch it! Kill it! Bin it!” and social distancing. Face masks are compulsory during transition times, upon entering the building and whilst lining up, for example when purchasing food.

As we know face masks are compulsory on public transport, students must comply to this and represent themselves, the School and their families well by being the very best versions of themselves. We are in a time of heightened risk, so everyone must play a part in looking after each other by following the national guidelines and school rules. As stated previously, the expectation is all students go straight home after school.

Following government guidelines, if anyone in your household becomes symptomatic then all members of the home must also self-isolate, this includes children even if they are not showing symptoms. The period of isolation must begin as soon as the symptoms start, do not wait for a positive test result before self-isolating. If you have any questions regarding this, please email, this email address is checked regularly throughout the day, including holidays and the weekend.

If you are self-isolating due to coronavirus, there are things you can do to reduce the chances of spreading any infection to the people you live with. You can find the guidance related to this here.

Students who are self-isolating will have school work set through MS Teams. If you have any issues in accessing this, please contact Mr Bynoe (Deputy Headteacher) at

We are continually monitoring the present situation, paying close to attention to national and local guidance and working in partnership with our local public health team. To help with the implementation of our contingency plans, we need to better understand the needs of our parent/carers, so I kindly request that those of you who are key workers to communicate this to the school using the following email address: with your child/children’s name and tutor group. Please complete this by Monday 30 November.

Year 7 Parents' Evening

All Year 7 parents/carers should have received a letter about parents’ evening together with a link to book appointments via Microsoft Teams. You can find the link to our booking website here. Please remember the time slot is limited to five minutes to enable the teachers to meet as many parents as possible. I do hope you find the evening productive.

Key dates

Monday 23 November 6-7pm

Parents’ Forum

Focus – SNS Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Strategy - book here

Wednesday 25 November 4-6.30pm

Year 7 Parents’ Evening | You can book appointments here

Thursday 3 December 6-7pm

Year 12 Parents’ Forum

Monday 7 December

Year 11 and 13 Mocks Begin

Thursday 10 December

Student Christmas Lunch

Thursday 17 December

Year 11 and 13 Mocks End

Friday 18 December

Last day of Autumn Term | Finishing times to be confirmed

Wishing you a restful weekend when we get there. Keep well.

Zehra Jaffer