Dear Parent/Carer

This week has been another busy week. Thank you to our parents who joined Monday’s Parents Forum on the SNS Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Action Plan – your feedback was most helpful. The plan will be available shortly on our website.

This week, Year 11 had an important revision session with guest, Mister Mba, a motivational speaker who shared wise thoughts and advice for the upcoming mock exams.

I hope Year 7 Parents’/Carers’ Evening, whilst on an online forum, gave an opportunity for our newest of parents to connect with our teachers to discuss the academic progress of your child in their first term at SNS. Thank you for your valuable participation in these events, which are key to establishing strong school and home partnerships, so our young people thrive and succeed.

Academic Progress Checks

Progress check reports for Years 8 to 12 will be emailed to all parents/carers by the end of this week. This gives an important snapshot on how your son/daughter has progressed this academic term. If you have any questions about the report, please contact your child’s form tutor in the first instance.

Covid–19 Safety Protocols

As stated in last week’s letter, I am committed to keeping the School open and strongly believe this is in the best interest of our students. However, we are ever-mindful of those most vulnerable to serious illness due to Covid-19, so we must make sure we adhere to all the safety protocols.

We continue to remind students of good hygiene, washing/sanitising hands regularly, “Catch it! Kill it! Bin it!” and social distancing. Face masks are compulsory during transition times, upon entering the building and whilst lining up, for example when purchasing food.

Students who are self-isolating will have their school work set through MS Teams. If you have any issues in accessing this, please contact Mr Bynoe (Deputy Headteacher) on

As you will appreciate, this term we have experienced increased staff absence due to self-isolation requirements and whilst there is an increase in cover lessons, the vast majority of these lessons are taught by the normal class teacher through Teams whilst they are self-isolating at home.

It is hard working in schools at the moment and I am incredibly grateful to our staff for all their hard work in such unprecedented times. The commitment, energy and resourcefulness of our teachers and support staff despite all the challenges and restrictions is to be acknowledged and celebrated. I would be really grateful that if you have any special shout outs, messages of thanks and support for our staff that you email

Keyworker Information

We are continually monitoring the present situation, paying close to attention to national and local guidance and working in partnership with our local public health team. To help with the implementation of our contingency plans, we need to better understand the needs of our parent/carers, so I kindly request that those of you who are key workers to communicate this to the school using the following email address: Please complete this by Monday 30 November.

Key dates

Thursday 3 December

Year 12 Parents’ Forum


Monday 7 December

Year 11 and Year 13 Mocks Begin

Wednesday 9 December

Forum for Parent/Carers of BAME Students


Thursday 10 December

Student Christmas Lunch

Thursday 17 December

Year 11 and Year 13 Mocks End

Friday 18th December

Last day of Autumn Term – timings to be confirmed

Thank you for all your support. It is very much appreciated. Keep well.

Zehra Jaffer