Headteacher’s weekly update
Key dates, behaviour expectations, foodbank drive
Letter sent home to parents/carers - Friday 4 December 2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
I start this week’s letter by saying a big thank you for your supportive messages and shout outs. It really does energise staff and help raise our spirits during a challenging time.
The proposed vaccine rollout brings with it much hope and anticipation as we approach the end of this difficult year. However, we must continue to practise the safety protocols, whilst the virus remains in the community. I am grateful to our parents for working in such close partnership with the school, keeping your children home when there is someone symptomatic in your household. Likewise, being accessible and showing understanding when we have needed to contact you if your child is identified as a close contact.
It is this strong collaboration between school and home that has allowed the school to function close to normal, giving our students the much needed structure and routine to support them to make gains in their educational journey. Please remember if your son/daughter is required to self-isolate, work is set on their Microsoft Teams account. It is worthwhile checking you can access this with them, so you are ready in case the need arises.
This week’s government announcement on the changes to the examinations in Summer 2021, brings with much needed reassurance for all concerned. You can find the press release here. As we receive more information, we will share this with parents of examination year groups.
In the meantime, we wish our Year 11 and Year 13, all the best in their upcoming mock examinations scheduled for the next two weeks. It is important the rest of the school community show consideration to their peers, by adhering to the notices in key areas of the building where noise levels must remain low to allow for the examinations to continue without disruption.
Key dates
Monday 7 December |
Year 11 and Year 13 Mocks Begin |
Wednesday 9 December 7–8pm |
Forum for Parent/Carers of BAME Students |
Wednesday 9 December |
Year 7 and Year 10 Student Christmas Lunch |
Thursday 10 December |
Year 8 and Year 9 Student Christmas Lunch |
Friday 11 December |
Year 11 Student Christmas Lunch |
Thursday 17 December |
Year 11 and Year 13 Mocks End |
Friday 18 December |
Last Day of Autumn Term – timings to be confirmed |
Christmas Lunch is now spread over three days to support social distancing requirements and to reduce mixing across year groups.
Behaviour expectations
Unfortunately, we have had recent reports from our Safer Schools Officer of robberies in the local community. It is important students take main roads where possible on their way to and from school. The school has a no mobile phone policy. Any mobile phone that is seen or heard will be confiscated.
The banning of phones prevents our young people from being victims of crime and there is much to be said for our young people developing a healthy approach to the use of technology. There are student phones available in the school reception where calls may be made by our students. If your son/daughter requires their phone for medical reasons, please request permission by writing to the relevant Head of School. If permission is granted, then the phone must be handed in and collected from Reception.
I also take this opportunity to remind all our students that they are to be the best of ambassadors for the school and their families on their way to and from school. They are to go straight home after school and to be considerate to fellow road users. Students are not permitted to purchase food from the takeaway shops on the junction of Albion Road and Clissold Road. Please remind your son/daughter of this key expectation.
Foodbank drive
At SNS, students are raising donations for Hackney Foodbank supported by The Trussell Trust which works to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. The current crisis has led to a rise in food bank demands and this year more than ever, a simple parcel of food can make a big difference to many lives. Please see the letter from Mr Enebeli sent earlier this week for the list of food. We ask that only items in the list are donated as they are urgently needed items. Please pass on any donations to your child to give to his/her form tutor.
I wish Year 13 students with upcoming university interviews next week all the very best. The SNS community is rooting for you.
Have a lovely weekend. Keep well.
Zehra Jaffer