Headteacher's weekly update
End of term, start of next term, and have a peaceful holiday
We are nearly there! It has been a demanding autumn term, but one where we have learnt much. Re-establishing the structure and routine that school brings has helped all in the community. I know the teachers certainly found teaching our young people a welcome distraction to the present uncertainties in the world. I thank our students for adapting to the new way of working and showing resilience and adaptability at this time. Well done to you all.
The School could not have come as far as it has without your support. Indeed, when I asked you for some positive messages and shout outs for staff, I could not believe the response. However, being the wonderful parent body that you are, this week the School received an incredible donation from you to show your appreciation of, and gratitude to, the fantastic staff. All staff across the school: school keepers, cleaners, catering team, support staff and teachers, received a gift from this substantial contribution. I want to sincerely thank each one of you for making this happen. The amazing, thoughtful and kind gesture was so welcomed by all. Your thoughtful and encouraging words have lifted our spirits and despite this chapter being as difficult as it is, we, the SNS Community, have become stronger.
End of term details
The term ends for all students this Friday. The students may come to school in non-school uniform for a small donation(50p) towards charity. Christmas jumpers are most welcome! The morning will be normal lessons for the first two periods and in the third period we will mark the end of this term with assemblies, awards and tutor time. The dismissal of the students will be as follows to allow for us to maintain our current safety protocols.
- 11.00 Sixth Form dismissal
- 12.00 Year 7 – Front gate Clissold Road
- 12.00 Year 9 – Rear gate Albion Road
- 12.10 Year 8 – Front gate Clissold Road
- 12.10 Year 10 – Rear Gate Albion Road
- 12.20 Year 11 – Front gate Clissold Road
Start of Spring Term 2020 – Tuesday 5th January 2021
Staff return Monday 4th January 2021 for a training day and all students are to return to learning on Tuesday 5th January 2021. You will have heard the government has announced the return to secondary school in January will be staggered in England.
From Tuesday 5th January, students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will receive online learning and students in Years 11, Year 12 and 13 are expected in school as normal, to receive face-to-face learning. We have included Year 12 in our plans given the importance of this year in preparation for our students moving onto their next destinations.
An equipment list is attached to this email. Students in the Lower School – Years 7 and 8 – will be required to bring in their own equipment and books from 11th January. Please support your
son/daughter to be organised by helping them pack their bag the night before in readiness for a good day of learning.
We received this week a further allocation of laptops from the government scheme. If your child is eligible for free school meals and you have not received a laptop please contact Mark Bynoe, Deputy Headteacher on mar.byn@sns.hackney.sch.uk. If you have any questions about the laptop scheme please do not hesitate to contact Mr Bynoe.
Mobile Testing Unit
Thank you to parents/carers for your quick turnaround of the consent forms for the Covid-19 test. Unfortunately, having had the test has meant some of our students and staff need to self-isolate after receiving positive tests despite being asymptomatic. Whilst this is challenging, particularly at this time of year, all of us play a part in keeping the community safe by containing the virus. Our local public health team is impressed with how many of our community took the opportunity to have a test.
As you will have heard of in the media, the government has announced routine testing from January and I will share information on this once it is received. I hope with this in place, we can significantly reduce the number of students needing to self-isolate.
Once again, I thank you for all your continued support. I wish you all a peaceful Christmas and a wonderful 2021. Season’s greetings to you all!
With best wishes,
Zehra Jaffer