Dear Parent/Carer,

It was lovely seeing so many of you at the events we held last week. These occasions provide valuable opportunities to share our approach to supporting your son/daughter achieve the very best of outcomes. As always, your feedback and suggestions help us to evolve and further develop our offer.

I am very pleased to share that, we now have a nurse employed by the School. Our SNS School Nurse, Katherine (Kat) Badman, leads on the support for the medical needs of our students and the promotion of healthy lifestyle amongst our community. You will hear from Kat in due course, in the meantime if you do have any questions regarding your child’s medical needs please do contact Kat on

Student leadership is of high importance at the school. This academic year we restructured our student body to give students valuable occasions to participate actively in school life, by taking on roles and responsibilities in order to contribute to our whole school improvement. Our new structure would see about 150 students across the year groups being part of the new Student Leadership Body (SLB), comprising of Prefects, Student Ambassadors and Student Voice Council.

We aim to:

  • empower our students to work in partnership with staff towards shared goals.
  • enable creativity to flourish as our school community benefits from the wealth of experiences, ideas, and skills our students bring.
  • provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through a variety of inspiring, challenging, and valued projects which impact positively on teaching and learning, and the development for both our students and staff.
  • prepare our students for life beyond school.

I wish all the students every success in these new roles. I am sure both the School and student will benefit tremendously with our students being such active role models to their peers.

Safety protocols

Facemasks are part of our new way of working and we all need to do our part in reducing the transmission of the virus. Facemasks must be worn in communal areas and areas of the School where social distancing is not possible such as the smaller classrooms, unless a student has exemption from their relevant Head of School.

Please ensure your son/daughter has their facemask with them every day. From Monday 12 October, any student arriving to school without their facemask will be sent home to collect their facemask. The health and safety of our community is of paramount importance and I thank you for your support in this matter.

Upcoming events

Monday 12 October | Parents’ Forum | 6-7pm

Focus: Continuity of Learning - led by Mr Bynoe (Deputy Headteacher)

This will be an opportunity to learn about our approach to the continuity of learning in the new era. Mr Bynoe will lead the session giving your more information on our systems and processes together with an introduction to the e-learning platforms for remote learning: MS Teams and Classcharts. Please use this link to join.

Wednesday 21 October | Forum for Parent/Carers of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Children | 7pm -8pm

Please email my PA, Sophie Preedy, on if you would like to join.

Thursday 22 October | Last day of half term

Please see below dismissal times for each of the year groups for Thursday 22 October, the last day of this half term:

  • Years 7 and 8 | 12.45pm – lunch
  • Years 9 and 10 | 12.15pm – lunch available for purchase – a link to request lunch to follow
  • Years 11 | 1pm (Combined Science Students) and 1.30pm (Triple Science Students)
  • Sixth Form | 12.15pm

Lastly, wishing you a lovely week. Stay well.
