06/05/16 | Animation workshop
Studio K helped some of our students to create an animation to be shown at a film festival
We have been doing an animation workshop run by animation specialists, Studio K. We had three sessions of four hours with the end goal to each produce a stop-motion animation to be shown at a film festival.
In the first session we were given a verb and an adjective to base our character on and then drew what he/she would look like. We then cut out cardboard shapes to compose our character and pins to give them moveable joints.
Next, it was time to decide what our characters would do in each animation. We each created two scenes - one where our character would walk and one where it would do a magic trick. We used a DSLR and software called Dragon Frame to photograph each frame. We took roughly 150 frames that totalled to five seconds of footage.
We had to have a lot of patience and be careful about our movements! We were all really pleased with the end result as it came out really well.
Our favourite part of the project was:
Minnie – putting the card together to make our character
Holly – seeing the end result and taking the shots
Scarlett – making and photographing the magic trick sequence
Overall, we all had lots of fun doing the workshop and
learnt lots about animation. We’re excited to see the end result at the
festival in June.