Monday 27 February 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

Adam Smith 300 Competition

The Business and Economics department here at Stoke Newington School and Sixth Form are delighted to announce the ‘Adam Smith 300 Competition’. The task is to redesign the front cover of Smith’s The Wealth of Nations or The Theory of Moral Sentiments – drawing upon a key insight from his work – and provide a short description/explanation of how you have brought the work into the 21st century (no more than 500 words). For example, what does a wealthy nation look like in 2023? Should businesses have a moral base? What is the future of global trade?

Entrants are welcome to choose the style of the front cover – ideas might include (but are not limited to) photographs, drawings, collages, cartoons. The design should speak to the relevance of Adam Smith’s ideas for today’s world. The front cover and written description/explanation should be submitted using one of the following formats:

  • jpeg
  • png
  • pdf
  • Word

The entrances will be marked against the following criteria:

  • Originality of the artwork
  • Creativity of the artwork
  • Quality of writing in the written description/explanation
  • How well they have described how they have made the work apply to 2023.
  • The relevance/application to Smith’s work


The top three entrants will win prizes and the best one will be displayed around the school. The deadline for entry is 31 March 2023. Students must submit their work to either Mr Tozanoglu (, Mr Gray ( or Ms Alkilinc ( by the deadline.

We look forward to seeing the fantastic entries all our students put forward!

Yours faithfully,

Huseyin Tozanoglu

Head of Business and Economics