Physical Education at Key Stage 4

All upper school pupils at Stoke Newington School participate in 3 or 6 lessons of PE in their two week timetable depending on year group. Within their lessons pupils take part in a range of on and off-site activities that encourage healthy active lifestyles. Year 9 and 10 pupils participate in 11 different activities across the year, building on the knowledge, understanding and skills they learnt but also developing new skills in varying sports not undertaken in lower school. All pupils will undertake a short unit of work using leisure centre facilities participating in bi-weekly spinning sessions (or equivalent). Year 11 pupils participate in 5 different activities across their final year continually participating in active lessons in which they are encouraged to utilise the time to refocus and build relationships with their peers. Pupils are delivered enjoyable, active lessons with varying activities including badminton, team building, yoga, fitness, trampolining and football.


The GCSE PE course equips students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to develop their own performance in sport. Pupils will also develop their understanding of socio-cultural influences on participation in sport, and the benefits of physical activity to health, fitness and well-being. GCSE PE comprises 3 different assessments:

  • 2 written exams: Physical factors affecting performance (30%) and Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology (30%)
  • Written performance analysis coursework (10%)
  • Practical performance in three sports both team or individual (30%)
Year 9 PE curriculum map
Year 10 PE curriculum map
Year 11 GCSE PE curriculum map