Year 7 Parents' Evening
Wednesday 25 November, 4pm - 6.30pm | Book here
Year 7 Parents’ Evening is being held on Wednesday 25th November between 4pm and 6.30pm. This will take place online this year. Subject teachers will be available to discuss academic progress.
To book an appointment with each of your child’s teachers, please click here and follow the booking instructions. The booking page is also on the front page of the school's website. You will then receive an email confirmation with a meeting link to use at your chosen time. You must repeat this for each subject teacher you wish to see. Can I request that you trial each link prior to the day to ensure these all take you to the Teams browser.
Please note each consultation will last for 5 minutes each, teachers will have to bring each session to a close on time to ensure they are prompt to their next parent meeting. You will only be able to see one member of staff per subject. We hope you can attend this important event and look forward to seeing you.
If you have any queries about this or any other matter related to Year 7, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Ms O'Malley
Deputy Head of Lower School
Ms Z Sparkes
Head of Year 7