We acknowledge that bereavement can be a challenging and distressing experience, with a significant impact on our students. As a school community, we are dedicated to offering the necessary support and guidance to help our students during this time and can offer support through our pastoral counsellors or via a referral to external services. We kindly request that parents inform their child's Head of Year if their child has been bereaved.

Some advice on supporting a bereaved young person includes:

  • Encourage open communication: Encourage them to talk about how they are feeling and be ready to listen without judging or criticizing. Let them share their emotions and provide them with space to express their feelings.

  • Be present: Being physically present and available is essential during this difficult time. Be there to offer comfort, support and help them through the grieving process.

  • Help them maintain routines: Encourage them to keep up with their daily routine including eating healthy meals, getting enough sleep and engaging in physical activities they enjoy. Sticking to a routine can help provide a sense of stability and normalcy during a challenging time.

  • Provide additional support: Consider reaching out to a grief counsellor or therapist to help your teenager work through their emotions. Other resources such as support groups, books about grief, and online forums may also be helpful.

  • Remember to take care of yourself: Supporting someone who is grieving can be emotionally taxing. Make sure to prioritize your own mental and physical well-being so that you have the energy and resilience to help your teenager through this difficult time.

We would like to draw your attention to the resources available below, which provide information on accessing support, as well as guidance on how to cope with grief and loss.

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