Safaplace is a young charity that aims to provide an environment where all of the community can feel safe; mentally, emotionally and physically.

The charity continues to fundraise, campaign on mental health issues and promote a programme of activities aimed advancing positive mental health and wellbeing. It was established to commemorate the lives of Rachel Finke and Harry Lisle.

Our aims are:

1: To support the positive mental health and well-being of young people and their community living in Stoke Newington and beyond, through support, education and advice.

2: Make Stoke Newington school a centre for positive mental health awareness for young people, working with other schools, those connected with education and the wider community.


Organisations, fundraisers and others wishing to work with Safaplace are invited to complete our projects forms available via our website.

Please visit our website to find out more about our charity, inducing how to access support and donate.

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