Welcome to Film Studies

Assessment is through coursework (30%) and written exam (70%).

Component 1:

You will study film as a form of art, making critical commentaries and constructing your own practical explorations of film art. You will develop knowledge of how to read and interpret film, from the silent era through to classic Hollywood, film noir and realism. You will learn specialist terminology to explore narrative structure, genre and style. The exams consider different periods and movements in film history, including British and American film.

You will be taught how to write and edit a professional film script for your coursework in Y12; you will film it in Y13.

Component 2

You will look in more depth at specialist innovations in cinema and study a specific text set by the exam board. You will explore artistic movements, stylistic and formalistic structures, moral and philosophical concepts, and the different way in which documentary film addresses audiences. For your practical coursework you will make your own short film based on the script you wrote in Y12. Your advanced portfolio will include your research, presentation and production, providing an excellent showcase of your skills to present at university and job interviews.

English Curriculum Map Year 12 | English Curriculum Map Year 13