Welcome to Photography. Check out the department website here.

Over the two-year linear course students will develop a working knowledge and an understanding of both traditional and digital photography. They will investigate and learn about:

  • the use of light as the most important element in photography.
  • viewpoints, composition and depth of field.
  • darkroom techniques including the recognition of appropriate paper types, developing and printing, emulsions, exposure, tone and contrast.
  • manipulation of the image through electronic and mechanical means, using Adobe Photoshop CC.
  • the importance and influence of a range of different photographers and artists.
  • how to be critical and analytical of both your own work and the work of practicing photographers and artists.

Component 1: Personal investigation (60%) - The course begins with practical workshops and investigations based around a given Theme. During the project, students will learn the key skills and techniques necessary to complete the course and will investigate the methods used by practicing photographers when developing their own concepts. Students will learn how to develop and explain your ideas, both visually and in written form, and then move on to develop their own in-depth personal investigations based on an idea, concept or Theme of their own choice, leading to a final outcome. This will demonstrate an ability to sustain work from an initial starting point through to a considered conclusion. This is a practical component supported by written material of between 1000 and 3000 words of continuous prose.

Component 2: Externally set assignment (40%) – In this component, the awarding body (AQA) will provide a number of possible Themes to be used as starting points. Students will select one theme and, using the skills and knowledge gained through the Personal Investigation component, will produce a body of work exploring their chosen focus. At the end of the preparation period students will complete 15 hours of supervised time under exam conditions and present a clearly defined selection of work leading to a finished outcome or series of outcomes.

Year 12 curriculum maps | Year 13 curriculum maps