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Year 9: Students will go out and take photographs of natural things – ideally, they will go to the park and photograph trees against the sky but they could photograph other plants. If they can’t go out they can photograph interesting vegetables in close up. This shoot will be part of a kaleidoscope lesson in the first week back. (Images to follow)
Year 10 and Year 11: Students will go out and take a photoshoot of reflections of themselves in shop windows in the style of Vivien Maier. They should aim for at least 30 photos and their camera should be set to black and white for at least half of the photos (but not all of them). This will be part of the Identity project for cswk. (Images to follow)
Year 12:
124/Ph1 Students will go out and take a photoshoot of reflections of themselves in shop windows in the style of Vivien Maier. They should aim for at least 30 photos and their camera should be set to black and white for at least half of the photos (but not all of them). This will be part of their portraiture project. (Images to follow)
121/Ph1 Students will go out and take a photoshoot of people walking through glass shop doors or reflections in car windows in the style of Lee Friedlander. They should aim for at least 30 photos and their camera should be set to black and white for at least half of the photos (but not all of them). This will be part of their portraiture project. (Images to follow)
Students will work on the next photoshoot for their Personal Investigation. They should be taking photographs and not editing.