Studying Science is crucial to help our pupils understand the world around them. It enables pupils to develop into critical, imaginative thinkers who are equipped with the tools to navigate the world around them and look to find solutions for the array of issues that we face in the twenty-first century.

At Stoke Newington School, we place an emphasis on the enjoyment of science, where its “wow factor” is enhanced rather than diminished, and where practical and scientific skills lie at the heart of the curriculum.

Science at Key Stage 3

Pupils study seven substantive topics in Year 7 relating to some big ideas in Science. They are diet and digestion, cells, particles, mixtures, energy, forces, and sound and light. Pupils at the end of Year 7 carry out a research project into the Solar System.

In Year 8, pupils advance to study the following topics – reproduction, ecology, the Periodic Table, chemical reactions, acids and alkalis, electricity and magnetism, and motion and pressure.

After most of these topics, pupils in years 7 and 8 then carry out a “Working Scientifically investigation” over a series of lessons which helps develop their practical skills and their understanding of scientific enquiry.

The KS3 Science curriculum at Stoke Newington is designed to challenge and excite our pupils, while providing a solid platform for starting the GCSE Science curriculum at the beginning of Year 9.

In addition, there are also many opportunities for extra-curricular activities in years 7 and 8, including the extremely popular Stoke Newington Science Club. In this club pupils engage in hands-on activities such as making slime, volcanoes, aliens’ blood and fruit batteries. Pupils have also visited the South of England Big Bang fair where they were able to meet a variety of Science related professionals in industry and research. Some of our pupils are involved in an app building competition sponsored by Amazon.

Year 7 curriculum map | Year 8 curriculum map
Year 7 assessment grid | Year 8 assessment grid

Science - KS3-7.jpg

Science at Key Stage 4

At the beginning of Year 9, students start the GCSE science course (AQA exam board), building on the learning from years 7 and 8. In Year 9 most students are taught in mixed ability classes. At the end of Year 9, a decision is made as to whether students should follow the Combined Science course in years 10 and 11 (worth 2 GCSEs) or the Separate Science course in years 10 and 11 - Biology, Chemistry and Physics (worth 3 GCSEs). Detailed information about this process is communicated to parents and students throughout Year 9.

In Year 11, students may sit each qualification at either the Higher or the Foundation tier of entry. We would expect all Separate Science students to be sitting papers at the Higher tier (maximum grade 9), whereas Combined Science would either be taken at the Higher tier (maximum grade 9-9) or the Foundation tier (maximum grade 5-5). Within each course there are a number of required practicals which students must carry out; these are assessed in the exams at the end of Year 11, along with all the other scientific knowledge and skills students have acquired over the course. We also encourage students to learn about scientific discoveries through the GCSE curriculum, and put the science they are learning into an historical context. We aim to focus on students’ independent thought and research skills at GCSE, to best prepare them for their studies beyond Year 11.

Year 9 Triple Science curriculum map | Year 9 Combined Science curriculum map
Year 10 Triple Science curriculum map | Year 10 Combined Science curriculum map
Year 11 Science curriculum map

Careers and future pathways

All of these wonderful careers may be open to you after a science qualification.