We aim to deliver a History curriculum that helps young people gain a deeper understanding of Britain and the wider world. History is a subject which can fire the imagination and inspire curiosity about the past. Students are equipped to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. Our curriculum demonstrates the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change and the diversity of societies throughout the ages. We aim to make the study of History relevant and engaging, to foster independent learning in order to encourage confident and thoughtful young people to take an interest in the world around them. Ultimately, we aim to nurture a lifelong love of History.

History - Year 7 board game making - web-8.jpg

History at Key Stage 3

Students have opportunities to explore a wide range of historical eras and issues in an engaging and thought-provoking way. In Year 7 we develop the key skills required to be a historian. Students will study global history from the Iron Age through the Norman Conquest to the Aztec Empire, and the Tudors. In year 8 pupils will examine the story of London, the great social and economic changes brought by the Industrial Revolution, and the First World War. Throughout these two crucial years, students will have many opportunities to engage with a diverse world history that reflects the local community of Stoke Newington. Our approach to teaching is exciting; we challenge students with mysteries to solve, we engage imaginations through storytelling, simulations and drama, we encourage discussion and debate and we ask students to form hypotheses then test these against the evidence.

Year 7 curriculum map | Year 8 curriculum map
Year 7 and Year 8 assessment grids

History at Key Stage 4 – GCSE (AQA Modern World History)

The GCSE course covers a broad range of exciting historical topics with the aim of giving students an opportunity to build on the skills and topics at KS3 and develop essential skills for further study. Students will learn more about the history of Britain and that of the wider world. This will involve a thematic study of Health and the People, a British depth study of the reign of Elizabeth I, a wider world study of the First World War, and the study of inequality and opportunity found in 20th Century America. At the end of the course students will be assessed by means of two written exams which will include extended writing, short answer responses and source analysis. History is one of the most popular option choices at GCSE; a testament to the engaging curriculum and high-quality teaching.

Year 9 curriculum map | Year 10 curriculum map | Year 11 curriculum map
Year 11 study resources | Year 11 revision check list

Year 13s took a trip to Dublin to study the city's rich cultural history

History at Key Stage 5 – A-Level (EDEXCEL)

A Level History gives students a chance to explore modern history starting in the late eighteenth century and ending in the late twentieth century. Subject areas include a breadth study on the rise and fall of Communist Russia 1917-91, a depth study on Mao’s China and a Breadth and Depth study on the changing relationship between Britain and Ireland. Students also complete an independently researched enquiry on historical interpretations. This year the coursework has been based on the causes of the October revolution giving students an opportunity to investigate an issue that stems from their earlier study of Russia. A level students are encouraged to participate in lecture days and educational visits. History is a highly successful and popular subject at A level with an increasing number of students studying history at university.

Year 12 curriculum map | Year 13 curriculum map


The department knows that the most memorable experiences from school are usually not classroom based so we offer as many trips and visits as possible to enrich the students experience. Year 7 students have visited Rochester Castle and in year 9 students have gone to the Wellcome Collection to see Medicine exhibitions. Year 10 have visited the WWI battlefields in France and Belgium and the Imperial War Museum. At KS5 students have attended history conferences, listened to historians speak on their specialist subjects and attended residential trips to Dublin and Auschwitz; a trip to Russia is currently being planned. In addition, speakers have come to the school to share their personal testimonies on the Holocaust.

Career and future pathways

Studying history can lead to a great number of excellent careers as diverse as the media, government, heritage organisations, conservation, teaching, archives, museums and galleries, the police and law.